11-30-2016, 06:37 PM
(11-30-2016, 11:54 AM)howardsternisbatman Wrote: Hi
I've spent a considerable amount of (wasted) time already trying to get a gui up and running on my 2GB Pine.
This thread seems to just deteriorate from it working to 'well I guess it doesn't work anymore'. Isn't there a working Ubuntu GUI image available for download?
As Luke pointed out, there is a image with a desktop environment available. However, I experienced the same issue as you did, and resolved it by installing aptitude and telling it to work around the underlying dependency issues.
I basically installed the same packages that the included "install_mate_desktop.sh" script does, but used aptitude so I could use it's more advanced dependency workaround logic.
aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-fbturbo ubuntu-mate-core ubuntu-mate-desktop ubuntu-mate-lightdm-theme ubuntu-mate-wallpapers-xenial lightdm
It told me in first instance that it could leave things as they were - i.e. not install the packages that had dependency issues, and I told it that wasn't good enough (n). The second option it gave me was to then install the required versions packages that were causing problems, and then install everything, and I accepted that. After it had installed everything, I then ran the "install_mate_desktop.sh" script and let it put in the final tweaks and patches needed, and I was able to run Ubuntu Mate without any issue. This was when starting from the 20160716 Ubuntu Xenial minimal image.
So it is possible, but not for the faint hearted... as misuse of aptitude can break your system! :-O