(11-14-2016, 04:13 PM)gam01hr Wrote: Does this mean I cannot use 'Debian Linux Jessie with Mate GUI Image' and 4:3 Monitor (1280x1024)?
Probably not using the DVI, as those are the resolutions the pine64 is capable of outputting (or are currently supported anyway). However, your monitor also supports VGA input - try using that instead. I have a cheap (eBay special) powered HDMI to VGA adapter (which is very similar to the Comsol HDMI to VGA adapter sold at OfficeWorks, but was a lot cheaper), and that works with the pine64 regardless of the fact that it is current set to 1080p HDMI output - the display went to its 1280x1028 native resoltuion and just looks squashed, but you could improve that either using the sunxi-disp-tool or a suitable uEnv.txt entry to set a lower resoution 720p - it will still be squashed as it is still a widescreen resolution on a 4:3 display.
Before trying the VGA adapter, try the 720p resolution (set disp.screen0_output_mode=1280x720p60 in the extraargs of your uEnv.txt or use the sunxi-disp-tool), and see if your monitor will accept that, as it is within it's resolution range, but it may not be a supported mode.