09-25-2016, 08:51 AM
(06-17-2016, 12:49 AM)jacobscarter Wrote: Is anyone running into the issue where "import RPi.GPIO as GPIO" return "No module named RPi_GPIO"?
I recently had to reflash my microSD card and reinstalled this script last night and it worked as per normal. When done for the evening I turned off the monitor but left the Pine powered on. This morning I went back to it and got the same error. I tried what I could to troubleshoot it, but ended up rebooting. Lo and behold, it worked again.
The image I flashed was Ubuntu 20160530 from the Pine64 wiki, with the DRM update installed as per Longsleep's instructions found elsewhere on the forum, resulting in uname -r returning 3.10.102-2-pine64drm-longleep. Seemed odd to me so I thought I would document it. No idea what to make of the possible issue, though.