Ok back from work... time to test this some more...
I successfully initialized and attached the BT module today and it seems to be able to scan for devices:
Edit: I was able to pair my BT mouse and keyboard using blueman on the Mate Desktop and they both work, so this doesnt look so bad anymore... blueman is sometimes crashing when trying to scan for devices, but using the shell bluetoothctl / hciconfig seems to work reliably...
I successfully initialized and attached the BT module today and it seems to be able to scan for devices:
[bluetooth]# list
Controller 34:C3:D2:E4:60:D8 pine64 [default]
[bluetooth]# devices
[NEW] Device DC:2C:26:0B:3C:08 DC-2C-26-0B-3C-08
[CHG] Device DC:2C:26:0B:3C:08 Connected: no
[DEL] Device DC:2C:26:0B:3C:08 DC-2C-26-0B-3C-08
[NEW] Device 00:02:76:32:1E:53 00-02-76-32-1E-53
[NEW] Device DC:2C:26:0B:3C:08 DC-2C-26-0B-3C-08
[CHG] Device 00:02:76:32:1E:53 Connected: no
[DEL] Device 00:02:76:32:1E:53 00-02-76-32-1E-53
[NEW] Device 00:02:76:32:1E:53 00-02-76-32-1E-53
[bluetooth]# devices
Device DC:2C:26:0B:3C:08 DC-2C-26-0B-3C-08
Device 00:02:76:32:1E:53 00-02-76-32-1E-53
[CHG] Device 00:02:76:32:1E:53 LegacyPairing: no
[CHG] Device 00:02:76:32:1E:53 Name: ThinkPad Bluetooth Laser Mouse
[CHG] Device 00:02:76:32:1E:53 Alias: ThinkPad Bluetooth Laser Mouse
[CHG] Device 00:02:76:32:1E:53 LegacyPairing: yes
[CHG] Device 00:02:76:32:1E:53 RSSI: -82
[CHG] Device 00:02:76:32:1E:53 RSSI: -74
[CHG] Device 00:02:76:32:1E:53 RSSI: -82
Edit: I was able to pair my BT mouse and keyboard using blueman on the Mate Desktop and they both work, so this doesnt look so bad anymore... blueman is sometimes crashing when trying to scan for devices, but using the shell bluetoothctl / hciconfig seems to work reliably...
Come have a chat in the Pine IRC channel >>