I had exagear running on the Gemini; box86 installed on the PP Community edition. Exagear should run on the PP as well, though only Wine3.0 (and that's modified for exagear, available in custom repository ) will work, but 3.0 did fine for older x86 programs such as Word 97. I am neither a developer nor veteran of box86/exagear on ARM; I just limped through because I'm not a fan of Libreoffice or Abiword.
Between exagear and box86 for your PP, I guess I would choose box86. To reiterate, it's a deep dive, full of downloads, compilations, fits and starts (at least for me it was). So brace yourself for a possibly long road to success.
Between exagear and box86 for your PP, I guess I would choose box86. To reiterate, it's a deep dive, full of downloads, compilations, fits and starts (at least for me it was). So brace yourself for a possibly long road to success.