12-30-2023, 10:02 PM
Hello! Long time, very busy. 
I gave it another shot tonight, and some progress! I grabbed the latest mobian installer and installed it. The installer definitely seems to have come along.. and now comes with the 6.6 kernel!
Unfortunately, the wifi adapter still does not work.... despite the fact that the page you linked, ........
I spied "firmware-realtek" in your post, @diederek , and went back to my device. Fiddled with the apt sources list to properly grab the non-free-firmware and installed firmware-realtek.. and now it works.. It finally works.
So.. thanks to everyone who contributed to this chat. It's still not as nice as the built-in working (any idea where to see what the current status of that is?) but it's much better than having to sit connected by a cable and leagues better than networking just not working.
Thanks again!

I gave it another shot tonight, and some progress! I grabbed the latest mobian installer and installed it. The installer definitely seems to have come along.. and now comes with the 6.6 kernel!
Unfortunately, the wifi adapter still does not work.... despite the fact that the page you linked, ........
I spied "firmware-realtek" in your post, @diederek , and went back to my device. Fiddled with the apt sources list to properly grab the non-free-firmware and installed firmware-realtek.. and now it works.. It finally works.

So.. thanks to everyone who contributed to this chat. It's still not as nice as the built-in working (any idea where to see what the current status of that is?) but it's much better than having to sit connected by a cable and leagues better than networking just not working.
Thanks again!