11-15-2023, 01:26 PM
(11-15-2023, 12:39 PM)donn Wrote: I don't expect the cable knows anything! It's just wires and terminals. I don't know right off hand why it wouldn't have a direct power connection, like the AC adapter power supply that supplies the same 5V.
Some cables actually have chips in the plug ends. USB-C charging is capable of negotiating charge rates, and that must happen (if it does) in the cable or the wall wart that the cable plugs in to. The PBP does *not* negotiate USB-C charging rates in hardware. I don't know if Linux might tell a smart charger plugged in to USB to turn on. But such a device, if that's what's happening, should generate a message when NetBSD does or doesn't recognise it, I expect.
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