06-30-2023, 06:56 AM
(06-29-2023, 07:44 PM)averageconsumer445 Wrote: Hello,
I'm a student that wants to buy the PineTab for note-taking purposes. I like the prospect of having all my notes in 1 place (or even digitizing handouts I fill out so that my backpack isn't cluttured). But the Wikipedia page for the PineTab says that buyers are expected to write software for the PineTab.
I was wondering, is there a OS for the PineTab that I can use to take notes, and does it come by default?
I have just purchased PineTab2 as my first Pine product. I have some previous experience with Linux, but I am not a developer and purchased it to use as a "consumer". To the question, does it "just work", I can answer "mostly, yes". There are a few features that are not yet available, namely WiFi, Bluetooth, Camera & Suspend (see known issues here: https://wiki.pine64.org/wiki/PineTab2#Known_Issues. You can workaround the lack of WiFi with a USB WiFi adapter or phone tether. If you need to "digitize" paper docs with the camera, that may be a problem for you until the issue is fixed.
As to included software for note-taking, there is a simple text editor installed by default, or for a more full-fledged word processor you can install the free and open source LibreOffice from the Discover software center. Or if you don't need the full LibreOffice suite, you can install the standalone LibreOffice Writer.
Overall, I am quite happy with my PIneTab2 so far. In fact, I am now seriously considering getting the PinePhone Pro to replace my soon-to-be-useless 3G dumb-phone.