02-24-2023, 12:11 AM
(01-24-2023, 11:43 AM)tuxcall Wrote: hi!
i've been trying my pinephone for a while now, and i've noticed that in firefox it's almost impossible to use overlay menu's
-you open ublock (default installed) and the overlay menu just flickers or doesn't size right
-if you use the toolbar menu with alt and open one of submenus like file or tools, you get the same flicker/non display
Is there a solution to this?
i really would like to use firefox with tight ublock measures but then i need to use the menu.
I also have this issue, but have a stupid work around to offer.
I set my display to 150% or 125% in phone settings and I open the menu holding the phone vertically. This exhibits the bug, but then I turn the phone sideways and it shows the controls for the NoScript plugin well enough to modify settings.
On a side note you may want to look at no script. It gives per domain control of scripting. Thus you can allow websiteyoulike.com to script but creepytrackersnoop.net can suffer without their scripts to monetize you. Other blocker add-ons do similar with curated blacklists, but noscript lets you do it by hand so it is very strict. You would be amazed how few of the domains running scripts on your computer at each website you visit require scripting for the page to work. Often sites can have ten or so domains running scripts under them, but only require the primary website's domain or the primary plus a "cdn" to function. It has a tendency to clip out advertisements and other unwanted interactions. The add-on can also catch some of the more shady operations like cross site scripting and alert you.