08-22-2022, 01:40 AM
(08-21-2022, 09:20 AM)untitled Wrote: Yep. When I toggle what is supposed to be an eMMC switch (it is different than in the pictures from the wiki, so I don't know), the laptop won't boot even from SD.
Mine wouldn't either; because I found out none of the bootable cards I currently have would boot without U-boot on the eMMC. This includes some made directly from official images. So all the cards I had been using were not really bootable. I did get DietPi to work. It will boot from micro-sd with the eMMC switch turned off. (I only used DietPi because it was the first official image I could find that actually worked. It was serendipitous anyway, as being Debian based, I can use telnet and ftp without selling my soul.)
I also got the U-boot from pkgsrc to start to work. It stops early and I'm going to need to use the serial console to figure out why.
I think the working NetBSD installation on my other PBP uses the U-Boot from the "Debian Desktop" that came with my first PBP. I know that during the process of getting that one to work, I did have several cards that would boot without the eMMC, as I botched the U-boot and had to zero the eMMC (which I also did to this latest one).
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