06-07-2022, 03:11 AM
(06-06-2022, 05:54 AM)Peter Gamma Wrote: Thanks for the detailed instruction, zetabeta.
I am using now LibreOffice and copy paste to Atom source code editor and copy paste to the PinePhone forum. It looks better and saves time to delete unnecessary line breaks.
The above instruction was very helpful.
After a view typing attempts, the echo of our PinePhone was:
starting sshd ...
and a green «o.k»
Then we typed the ip adress of my PinePhone into PuTTY. After typing user name and password, we got an echo from PuTTY terminal with some welcome lines and the PinePhone terminal prompt, which is great:
> pine64-pinephone:~$
But how can we from there start the graphical user interface or posh shell of the PinePhone?
Are you thinking of when I described forwarding the display using ssh -X to show libreoffice on my linux desktop? That works because both LibreOffice on the phone, and my desktop, can both use X for display. X has built in support for remote display over the network.
Windows doesn't have X by default so you need to install something that provides it. I last did this with a commercial package in the late '90s but I assume this more recent set of instructions will work:
I've no idea how good things like copy/paste integration are with this.
By default phosh uses Wayland which is another display system that doesn't natively do network forwarding. While there are probably ways to get it to use X so you could forward the entire display, it will be a lot easier to use something like wayvnc as mentioned above. gnome-remote-desktop may also work (package available in mobian at least) but I think it uses pipewire which may cause problems with the phone audio as most distros are still using pulseaudio. I'm speculating again there - haven't tried it.