06-05-2022, 05:29 AM
(06-05-2022, 04:34 AM)Peter Gamma Wrote: connection refusedquick hint, this forum has a bug for adding spaces, use source code editor to avoid that.
to install ssh server
add sshd
permission denied. I was able to install LibreOffice and it runs. But installing an ssh server seems not to work.
linux world has two philosophies, root user versus sudo. in root user system, root user is activated and has different password, then su -l is used. in sudo system root user usually does not have password but sudo command is used to temporarily give root permission, in sudo systems, user password is usually given. (both could be used in same system btw).
postmarketos uses sudo system, so sudo su -l gives root console.
// gives root console
$ sudo su -l
// if commanding as ordinary user
$ sudo apk add sshd
// if as root
# apk add sshd
// start temporarily
$ sudo rc-service sshd start
// if permanent startup is wanted
$ sudo rc-update add sshd