11-19-2021, 10:35 AM
(11-18-2021, 03:29 PM)Arwen Wrote: All new users have to have their first few posts approved by a moderator. Which I have approved your fist post.
We get enough SPAM, this was one of the ways to reduce our forum's users from seeing it.
I've seen that on other forums too and I have no problem with that at all
Until now, it looked like things that should've worked, didn't work. I couldn't view my own profile or that of others.
When I send my OP, it seemed to have disappeared in the void, which was consistent with other things not working, but still worrying. On the LibreELEC forum, *I* do see my own posts when I post them, but not others until a moderator has approved it.
Anyway, things seem to work now