It seems to me that the GPU isn't used at all on Ubuntu 18.04 on my pbp.
At least powertop reports 100% idle for the GPU even when playing video (in browser and mpv).
Does anyone else have a similar experience?
Mine was working, then I think I broke it. Stellarium doesn't start properly anymore and 1080 videos are laggy.
glxinfo gives this at the beginning...
name of display: :0.0
libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to open rockchip (search paths /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/dri:\$${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri)
libGL error: failed to load driver: rockchip
libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to open rockchip (search paths /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/dri:\$${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri)
libGL error: failed to load driver: rockchip
There is nothing labeled "rockchip" in the path, but there are 22 drivers...
Any ideas?
Use MPV media player - that has accelerated video playack for files up-to 4K@30FPS.
You can also use SMplayer with 1080p files. For SMPlayer you just need to specify settings in the config.
glxinfo aso shows that there is an error loading the video driver (mpv does show the same error, rkmpv does the same).
also: the gpu is not used when running software like glxgears.
This is seems to be a problem with the video accelaration.
I hope it can be fixed?