Using Crouton to install Arch
I wanted to share this, after trying so many different forks. For anyone interested in using crouton to install Arch, refer to this fork of chroagh. I tried/edited about 4 other forks, but this buried beauty has actually allowed me to install aarch64 Arch within Chromium.

Since it's outdated, you'll likely need to run sudo enter-chroot -n [chroot name] -u root in order to be able to login/finish setup.
Because I was bored, and i could, after installing Arch, I switched the mirrors out to the Manjaro Arm mirrors (this required manually setting the servers for alarm.db and aur.db) and now I'm pulling from Manjaro Arm instead of Arch Arm. Tested by installing linux-pinebookpro.
I wound up using JuNest ( Works well on ChromiumOS, you just have to install it into a location you're allowed to execute from (the home partition is mounted noexec on default).
Very cool! can't believe that's not more popular in the CrOS communities. I didn't even see a reference to it, while I was searching.

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