upowerd logging noise
Upowerd logs every 1 to 2 mins a warning to /var/log/syslog and the systemd journal:

/var/log/syslog:Nov  4 00:09:57 Debian-Desktop upowerd[1014]: energy_full (38.543400) is greater than energy_full_design (0.000000)
/var/log/syslog:Nov  4 00:11:28 Debian-Desktop upowerd[1014]: energy_full (38.582600) is greater than energy_full_design (0.000000)
/var/log/syslog:Nov  4 00:13:28 Debian-Desktop upowerd[1014]: energy_full (39.366600) is greater than energy_full_design (0.000000)

So far, I have close to 4000 of these entries.

I don't know what energy_full_design is supposed to be. Upowerd gets it from the kernel. To shut up this process, I am now setting energy_full_design in our battery driver to the same value as full_design. If you want to apply my patch, here it is

Same noise here.
Don't know how to patch..........
Same with the wlan driver, it logs every two minutes these logs

Nov 23 19:23:31 pinebook-pro kernel: wl_run_escan: LEGACY_SCAN sync ID: 40, bssidx: 0
Nov 23 19:25:31 pinebook-pro kernel: wl_run_escan: LEGACY_SCAN sync ID: 41, bssidx: 0

I changed the log level to KERN_DEBUG and now these lines are not printed by default, anymore.

Here is the kernel patch http://students.engr.scu.edu/~sschaeck/m...l001.patch
Same issue. Also crash every few hours since keyboard update.
for reference: debian sid arm64 with tsys kernel does not have these errors.
(01-23-2020, 06:36 PM)xmixahlx Wrote: for reference: debian sid arm64 with tsys kernel does not have these errors.
Clean install or in place upgrade? Or can we just upgrade kernel only?
my main is a modified danielt unofficial debian sid arm64 install. plus mesa-git for panfrost fixes and sway-git for v1.4. on sdcard.

I very much recommend trying out danielt's debian installer for debian testing armhf, and pull in firefox and chromium from unstable.
Another workaround may be to isolate this noise to an own file:

create /etc/rsyslog.d/upowerd.conf with the following content:
### upowerd Rules ###
if $programname == 'upowerd' then {
action(type="omfile" file="/var/log/upowerd.log")

Regards, Ansgar

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