New Builds from ayufan (0.8.X) w Video/3D/Mate desktop
I used bionic-lxde-rock64- on an eMMC and it installed very quickly with, apparently, no problems. Seems quick. The problem I have is that I can not access any external drives, powered, non powered and flash drives. sudo fdisk -l shows them clearly but I cannot seem to mount them as they are not in fstab. I've messed up fstab before so would prefer not to have to edit it.

On my previous img they appeared automatically on the desktop, but video performance was poor hence this update to ayufan's image.

Is there a simple way to make them appear at start up? I've tried accessing them through the USB3 and 2 ports and through a powered hub, but it seems to make no difference.

Edit: I hadn't noticed that I had not downloaded the latest image. Now I'm using bionic-lxde-rock64-0.8.0rc10-1125-arm64.img Problem of automount is solved in this image, but now I cannot get any browser to work. Tried apt-get update/upgrade/dist-upgrade but still no joy. Tried reburning the image but still no joy. Maybe I've downloaded a corrupted image.

One step forward - one step back!

Edit: May 7th Tried bionic-mate-0.8 on eMMC but it fails to get passed 

[ systemd-journald[292] : Failed to send WATCHDOG=1notification message: Transport endpoint is not connected

See screenshot.  [Image: 19y-rock64.jpg]
 Tried changing power supply and keyboard to a wireless keyboard in case anything was upsetting the power supply. No go. 
Tried bionic-lxde-rock64-0.8.0rc10-1125-arm64.img on an SD Card - boots smoothly but neither web browser will work - firefox doesn't load, and Chromium just logs me out. Smplayer causes a reboot. Symptoms the same after update/upgrade. I'll try and work out what img I was using before and go back to that, as everything did work, but there was no graphic acceleration.
PinePhone Beta 2GB/16GB Postmarket OS v23.06.1 Phosh 0.30.0 (not in use)

PineTab2 Arch Danctnix 6.4.2
(04-03-2019, 12:36 PM)gedas07 Wrote: I have a Bionic installed, and when i try to update with
sudo apt-get install linux-rock64 -y
then answer too me that

Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias       
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
linux-rock64 ya está en su versión más reciente (0.7.9).

Says that i am in 0.7.9 , how can i update to 0.8?
Can somebody help me

Same problem with Debian stretch
linux-rock64 is already the newest version (0.7.9).
How do I update to 0.8 ?

(05-06-2019, 07:38 AM)psps Wrote:
(04-03-2019, 12:36 PM)gedas07 Wrote: I have a Bionic installed, and when i try to update with
sudo apt-get install linux-rock64 -y
then answer too me that

Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias       
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
linux-rock64 ya está en su versión más reciente (0.7.9).

Says that i am in 0.7.9 , how can i update to 0.8?
Can somebody help me

Same problem with Debian stretch
linux-rock64 is already the newest version (0.7.9).
How do I update to 0.8 ?


P.S. do not upgrade to rc10 because it's not booting...
(05-07-2019, 02:21 AM)gorba77 Wrote:
P.S. do not upgrade to rc10 because it's not booting...

I've reverted to 0.7.9-1067 and edited my sources list, as you recommended. Carried out sudo apt-get update and upgrade but am now faced with a bewildering list of firmware images and Linux headers, in synaptic. Apparently I have installed:
uname -r
What image should I be installing, to avoid rc10, or am I missing the point?
(I still have no way to mount external drives even though gparted sees them)

Edit: I tried:
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install linux-rock64 -y

It is now broken again (will not boot). I assume that I attempted to upgrade to rc10.
'Stumps pulled'
PinePhone Beta 2GB/16GB Postmarket OS v23.06.1 Phosh 0.30.0 (not in use)

PineTab2 Arch Danctnix 6.4.2
Ayufan said there will be a new release today (hopefully!) that'll fix the no booting with RC10.
I can't wait to test it. Big Grin
With what command can I know which one I have installed, if 0.8 or 0.9?
(09-08-2019, 03:27 AM)gedas07 Wrote: With what command can I know which one I have installed, if 0.8 or 0.9?

uname -a
You can find me on IRC, Discord and Twitter

Almost. Rather: `dpkg --get-selections | grep linux-rock`.

Rock/Pro 64/Pinebook Pro: LinuxChromium OS
So/Pine A64/Pinebook: LinuxAndroid 6.0Android 7.1

Buy me a Beer

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