Wonder what the performance is like ...
Hi All,
I'm pretty interested in this.
Has anyone been able to test this out on the Pine?
Well, the PI won't have enough memory for it (the performance will suck); the PineA64 has the memory for it, which may make the whole PineA64 scene more attractive to a wider audience. Very interesting, indeed.
This could be nice so we can use
Realterm in electronics projects
And USB microcontrollers burners such avr dragon and pickit
It's interesting
By. Zoidiano0!
LAMP: Linux , Apache2.4 , Mariadb, phpMyadmin, PHP5
Java 8 arm by oracle
Netbeans 8.1
chromium (uses way toooo much Ram)
Pine64 Head Unit Project.!
why would anyone want to do windows apps on an arm board? seems to me one look at the eltechs' forum tells you there are better ways, a cheap windows laptop probably being the least problematic.
dkryder, the reason is being able to leverage the power of the SoC for IoT, yet be able to also use the knowledge base and skill set of windows development tools.
Its not really running windows on a pine board, its really being able to leverage the pine board from a windows development standpoint.
The important thing to note (for everyone) is that this is NOT windows 10 running on a Pine. There is no gui, and there is no desktop.
please join us for a chat @ irc.pine64.xyz:6667 or ssl irc.pine64.xyz:6697
( I regret that I am not able to respond to personal messages; let's meet on irc! )