Can you please check the status of my order? I am KS backer number 22283 and added a lot of items from backerkit.
I have performed my order the 8 June (#8162536), but today he result yet unfulfilled. It's OK?
When my order will shipped?
Thanks in advance
Its over a month since you said my pledge would ship All I have received so far is what I bought from your store that was to ship after all pledges was taken care of I also received the batterie so can you tell me when the rest of my pledge will ship?
My KS order was supposedly shipped May 27 but the tracking info never worked. Just checked, and lo and behold, the tracking number now works.
June 24, 2016 , 8:52 am, Processed Through Facility, SHENZHEN EMS, CHINA
Hi tllim,
Can you please check my status? My backer number is 5382.
Hate to post again, Backer number #737, my number LS913198363CN cycled thru the last couple of days between pending and expired. Called China EMS and they said package was not received just shipping noticed given to them and only the shipper can resolve issue, there is nothing left for them to do. Of course my Chinese is rusty and they did want me to come into the office, which I wonder if there nothing to do, then why have me come in?
Hello, Tllim!
Could you check my shipping status? I received the tracking number of USPS on May 27, but I have not received my Pine64 yet, BTW it's June 26 today! FYI, according to the USPS website, the status of my Pine64 is still "Pre-Shipment Info Sent to USPS" since May 27. I guess there is something wrong.
I placed the order, #102227800, on Feb 26, 2016.