Fedora 32 on ROCKPro 64.
I got myself a ROCKPro 64 board and an eMMC module and I want to run Fedora. I am completely new to SBC's and Linux. I can not get Fedora to boot and am looking for some direction to get it working. Any information would be helpful. Thanks.
This is something I'm curious as well for the RockPro64 and the Rock64.

The Pinebook Pro can be updated to Fedora 32 from the unofficial image.
My limited understanding is that the aarch64 image from Fedora's website doesn't include uboot (it assumes the system already knows how to load the OS). The fedora arm installer doesn't work with RP64 or Rock64 for now.

I'm sure someone more knowledgeable could chime in and correct me Smile I have only surface level of knowledge here

For now, I did what I can and opened this ticket on the Fedora bug tracker: https://pagure.io/arm-image-installer/issue/52 The developer is friendly and straight forward with the current state. A helping hand from more experienced community member than me would be great indeed.

Device: Pinebook Pro 128GB No:246 / MainOS: Manjaro ARM
Godot and Flutter - creating something can be fun with the right tools!
(05-01-2020, 06:02 PM)PakoSt Wrote: This is something I'm curious as well for the RockPro64 and the Rock64.

The Pinebook Pro can be updated to Fedora 32 from the unofficial image.
My limited understanding is that the aarch64 image from Fedora's website doesn't include uboot (it assumes the system already knows how to load the OS). The fedora arm installer doesn't work with RP64 or Rock64 for now.

I'm sure someone more knowledgeable could chime in and correct me Smile I have only surface level of knowledge here

For now, I did what I can and opened this ticket on the Fedora bug tracker: https://pagure.io/arm-image-installer/issue/52 The developer is friendly and straight forward with the current state. A helping hand from more experienced community member than me would be great indeed.

I spent some time trying to get Fedora 32 working on the RockPro64 last week and did not get as far as I wanted.  Because of my use-case I installed the CentOS 7 image and have been pleased.  I hope the developer of `arm-image-installer` will work in the RockPro64 u-boot stuff as it was a breeze to use on the sopine's I'm using in my Clusterboard...  Now if I can just figure out how to add some extra uboot args....
Just finished installing F32 on my RockPro64. It was much more painful that I would like but glad to have F32 on all my Pine64 devices now.

There are a few "gotcha's".
1) The arm-image-installer does not have a pre-defined board... but that's easy to fix
2) The boot image sometimes fails because of some race condition that prevents the disk from being available to read.
3) The panfrost drivers case a fatal error during boot.

All of this configuration is done via a serial console attached to the board.

Here's how I fixed each
1) make a copy of the rock64 board and name it rockpro64-rk3399 then run the installer
- cp /usr/share/arm-image-installer/boards.d/rock64 /usr/share/arm-image-installer/boards.d/rockpro64-rk3399
- sudo arm-image-installer --addconsole --addkey ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub --relabel --resizefs --image=/opt/downloads/Pine64/Fedora-Minimal-32-1.6.aarch64.raw.xz --media=/dev/<mmc or sdcard device> --target=rockpro64-rk3399 --args "rd.driver.blacklist=panfrost"
2) reset, or power cycle the device. Not sure what's causing this one.
3) blacklist the panfrost driver in the kernel. I thing the --args option I've listed in #1 work. if not, wait until the "Fedora" boot option displays and type 'e'. then add "rd.driver.blacklist=panfrost" to the end of the kernel line right after "ro".

This should get you there. Good luck.
I'd also like to mention here that pci-e is disabled in the Fedora image on RP64. I don't understand the details, but Fedora uses some kernel argument that conflicts with a known bug in the kernel for rockchip CPUs, but has not been pushed into the kernel by RockChip.bill see what details I can dig up later.


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