Screen blinking
Hi, I have rock64 v3.0 and screen is blinking quite much. With "blinking" I mean black rectangles that appear and disappear on screen when I move or resize window, also screen is "shaking" when it happens. Don't know how to describe it accurately with text, I can record a video if someone needs it. I tried armbian focal, it had lima driver. Also I tried slackware with mali driver, the blinking was gone when I decreased resolution to 1600x900 (resolution of my monitor is 1920x1080). I wanted to do this on armbian but other resolutions were not available, xrandr printed only 1920x1080.
Does anyone know how to fix it?
Hi, I know this is quite an old topic but I've fixed this issue. The problem is that the memory controller didn't give preferential treatment to the video output controller, so if there was a lot of memory activity, it'd miss the required timings.

The fix is to set the quality of service registers in u-boot, I've written a patch that does this and submitted it to u-boot upstream, so that it will hopefully be included in the future.

I have yet to write a patch to the kernel that saves/restores these registers on power domain changes, but this is good enough to fix the issue in most cases now.

As for when this will trickle down to distributions I don't know. If there's interest, I'll write some instructions on how to compile u-boot for rk3328 and put them on the wiki; that way people can use the patch before distributions have it.

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(07-23-2022, 05:50 AM)CounterPillow Wrote: Hi, I know this is quite an old topic but I've fixed this issue.

Quote:I've written a patch that does this
I'll try it as soon as I have free time Smile

Quote:If there's interest, I'll write some instructions on how to compile u-boot for rk3328 and put them on the wiki; that way people can use the patch before distributions have it.
I used this guide with making some changes for rock64 and it worked. (I did it after making previous post, not related to this topic). It's enough to do it again with your patch, right?

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