Read here about the Ross project.
I would stronly recommend debian mate. Perhaps the debian base image would also be appropriate for some users doing robotics.
Ross may not be compatible with the superior capabilities of the PineA64; the PineA64 is devleopmental from a gnu+linux standpoint, and is rapidly catching up to the hardware's superior capabilities. Eventually, I have no doubt that the Ross people will adapt their libraries to the PineA64.
As it is, the PineA64 is a superior platform for developing robotics. The combination of the PI bus and the Euler bus make for an exceptional controller platform for robotics, in fact any systems automation.
The Ross libraries may not be compatible at this time because the PineA64 SoC (Allwinner) is different from the Raspberry PI SoC (Broadcom). The registers are different, and the device trees are different. No doubt the Ross people have some interest in the PineA64 (it is a superior board in many ways) but whether they have progressed in this direction I don't know; its worth a note to contact them, and maybe even provide a development board / (that's not my decision , of course)
The error on your part (possibly, not know for sure) is thinking that you need a robotics library to build a robot ! I'm building a robot (work in progress) and I'm doing it all from scratch... my own software and spare parts like stepper motors from printers, and other places. The aruduino, the PI, the pyboard, and the PineA64 are all capable of taking roles in that project... in fact, I'm still playing around with what board is best suited to what job...
Just dive it. Play with the GPIO on the PineA64 board... if you need some help post here, or feel free to joing us on the irc chat room at or ssl,