[28/03/2017] openSUSE Tumbleweed Images for Pine64
(05-08-2016, 08:05 AM)Terra854 Wrote: Hey guys, the openSUSE image has been updated.

Full changelog:

- Kernel updated to 3.10.101-0-pine64-longsleep-39
- Changed ownership of /home/pine64 to the pine64 user so that you can download/create/edit your stuff in it
- Changed hostname to pine64

Links are in the first post.

In the next release, I am planning to integrate longsleep's tools into the image. To do so, I will be needing a hosting provider for me to host the rpms that I will be generating out so that the installation of the tools will be easy (any suggestions?).

I can make the hosting arrangement.
(05-08-2016, 09:37 AM)tllim Wrote:
(05-08-2016, 08:05 AM)Terra854 Wrote: Hey guys, the openSUSE image has been updated.

Full changelog:

- Kernel updated to 3.10.101-0-pine64-longsleep-39
- Changed ownership of /home/pine64 to the pine64 user so that you can download/create/edit your stuff in it
- Changed hostname to pine64

Links are in the first post.

In the next release, I am planning to integrate longsleep's tools into the image. To do so, I will be needing a hosting provider for me to host the rpms that I will be generating out so that the installation of the tools will be easy (any suggestions?).

I can make the hosting arrangement.

Thank you for your offer. I have sent you a PM regarding about this.
Donate BTC: 3Eav9uqXi8Nx1axb7QjK6xV4km4K9YGv9a
Hello everyone.

The openSUSE project page is now up. The website will contain links to the openSUSE images for Pine A64.


Also, the repository for the openSUSE Pine64 is up. To add the repository, run this command:

zypper ar -f files.pine64.org/opensuse/repository Pine64

Here is a initial list of packages added to the repository:


Do note that 'sunxi-disp-tool' by longsleep will be added to the repository at a later date as I am currently having difficulties compiling the source code and therefore, unable to package it.
Donate BTC: 3Eav9uqXi8Nx1axb7QjK6xV4km4K9YGv9a
(05-01-2016, 04:30 PM)rahlquist Wrote:
(05-01-2016, 10:15 AM)tkaiser Wrote:
(04-30-2016, 07:29 AM)nomadewolfThe more, the merrier, in this case. Wrote: The more, the merrier, in this case.
Everyone has their own preference, and Linux all about choice.

If you want to do something useful look at enabling Bluetooth, build mpv/mplayer packages that make use of HW accelerated decoding (less OS images --> less packages!), look into the HDMI issues, package the necessary fixes to GPIO libraries and so on. There's so much real work to do!

Couldn't have said it better myself. There is a lot to be said for the diversity of linux, in a pure environment. Where all is OSS. We dont have that, we have a tainted environment with binary blobs we are forced to live with at this time. You can wrap every flavor of linux you want around these blobs, but what we need is a unified force trying to get a functional OS. Right now we have everyone wanting to do things their own way. Everyone wants to support pine at a different site, everyone wants a different OS. Right now linux is a MESS on this device in part due to the lack of focus. Think of it like a cup of coffee, longsleep has built a good core, functional tools etc. but we have a lot of half hearted attempts at wrapping various linux flavors around it that then seem to get dropped. 

Lets try to pick a distro and focus until we get the basic functionality nailed. In the meanwhile if someone wants to create a build of their own fav linux, please make sure you are going to be at least as committed as longsleep is to helping and providing ongoing support and arent creating another also-ran orphan build.

Hear hear!

Why not DUMP Ubuntu....  Ubuntu fanboys can tailor Debian to how they want it...

Dump the BAZILLION Android images (Lollipop, Marshmallow, 8GB-64 GB, some have "dd" images, some require that GHASTLY piece of crapware "PhoenixCard and a Windows PC, some images are rooted, others are not) - and BUILD JUST ONE that supports BLUETOOTH on the "stock" WiFi/BT module and the "stock" LCD Touchpanel - and that has ROOT enabled by default!   Why not Remix OS - will there ever be a single RemixOS build that supports ALL the hardware that Pine sells?

I'm not a huge fan of Arch (for a start, my ISP does not host Arch ARM7 or ARM64 repositories).  But if people want Arch - then good...

So - I imagine three choices to concentrate on (and get all the Pine "stock" HARDWARE working 100%)
1. Remix OS
2. Debian
3. Arch

I used SUSE a lot about 10 years ago - but pretty much just Debian these days...  Nothing wrong with the SUSE distro per se, but who actually uses it any more?  How easy is it to get Arm64 software packages for?  I'd rather Fedora or CentOS than SUSE...

Just about anything you need "Ubuntu" for, you can do in Debian...  Arch users should be fine with a bunch of fiddly low level bits of hacking here and there...
I build Ubuntu and Ubuntu only. If you care about Debian and the km Lenny builds do not fit you, build and maintain your own - I have all the gear on GitHub.
(05-21-2016, 07:20 AM)Terra854 Wrote: Hello everyone.

The openSUSE project page is now up. The website will contain links to the openSUSE images for Pine A64.


Also, the repository for the openSUSE Pine64 is up. To add the repository, run this command:

zypper ar -f files.pine64.org/opensuse/repository Pine64

Here is a initial list of packages added to the repository:


Do note that 'sunxi-disp-tool' by longsleep will be added to the repository at a later date as I am currently having difficulties compiling the source code and therefore, unable to package it.

zypper ar -f files.pine64.org/opensuse/repository Pine64

gives me "Specified local path does not exist or is inaccessible" and it does not add a repository. Preceding the location with http:// or https:// adds a repository, but it tells me "Error Code. Connection failed" when I install something or refresh the repos. I can't guess what the line needs to be. There does not seem to be any such location on the Internet.

When I updated Tumbleweed with zypper, and updated the kernel and uboot with the scripts, eth0 was not configured after I rebooted, and I needed to figure out how to configure the ethernet. (ifconfig eth0

I really think nano is an easier CLI editor, and should be included.
So you don't have to learn "vi" just to edit one configuration file one time, you can install the simple, easy text editor "nano"
sudo zypper refresh
sudo zypper install nano

Yesterday I tried a new round of possible URL's for the Terra854 or Weebly repo, but one I tried before now works. It is:
sudo zypper ar -f http://files.pine64.org/opensuse/repository Pine64
 ar means 'add repo.'
 -f is where the repo is.
 Pine64 is a name you choose at will.

The packages in this repo probably won't do much for you without a GUI desktop installed.

The Terr854 image is command line only (CLI), but the package manager (zypper) is already setup with the location of a port of the complete opensuse oss repo for ARM (aarch64), including what seems like all packages in the x86_64 version, so you can install a full KDE, Gnome, Mate, LXDE, xfce or cinnamon desktop using the right package name, and I installed KDE Plasma. The desktop interface works smoothly and beautifully using 600M on my 2G memory Pine64, but unfortunately not some of the programs (Firefox and Midori segfault). reKonq however works for web browsing, without playing youtube videos.

sudo zypper install (your choice)


 You don't have to guess the package name, or have printed notes, or have another computer with the info, to be able to install it from a terminal.
zypper se mate
se means 'search,' for what you put after that, like mate, or desktop, or pattern
if you use sudo with this it will say it is locked by itself, so don't.

Using the Yast GUI Software Manager, out of the packages in the Tera864 Pine64 repo:

libcedrus                             OK
libump                                OK
libvdpau-sunxi                     says unsatisfiable dependency libcedrus1
xserver-xorg-video-fbturbo   says unsatisfiable dependency xserver-xorg-essentials

IAC it seems to find a way to go on, and smplayer will now play a video a little oddly at something like normal speed, but chops up the sound. Before, it would play the video in ultra-slow-mo, but the audio was OK.

Running the pine64_update_kernel.sh script started always saying I have the current longsleep kernel when it got to .101-4, whereas the script on ubuntu now updates to .102-2. The scripts on both compare to be essentially identical. As far as I can see, the script just downloads a compressed file, uncompresses it, and copies the files to certain directories. So the it is the identical files being used as with ubuntu.
It's a minor thing, but the "-f" on the zypper addrepo command actually tells zypper that it's a dynamic repository that will need to be periodically "freshened" as opposed to static install media that it can index once and leave it be.
Hey guys,

After almost 5 months, I am happy to announce the release of a new version of openSUSE for the Pine A64!


- Kernel updated to 3.10.102-3-pine64-longsleep-98
- Image has been rebuilt from the ground up.
- All software has been updated.
- Includes the pine64-config tool

Links are in the first post.
Donate BTC: 3Eav9uqXi8Nx1axb7QjK6xV4km4K9YGv9a
Thanks for the new image - very nice.

After installation of the OpenSuse image, I tried to install a desktop ( patterns-openSUSE-kde_plasma). OpenSuse wanted to download 1024 new packages. This took hours on my slow link. Then they failed to install as the 2gb root partition had filled up. Using GParted I was able to extend the root parition of the sdcard and install the desktop. At fist boot OpenSuse came up with a command line. Hmmm - what to do. After a googling I decided to install the kdm package. Soon after I was presented with a log-in screen, and was able to start the kde-plasma desktop.

As stated previously firefox is not working, but many other applications are good. I like the fact that OpenSuse is conservative on cpu and memory. But more checking and testing is required. The main menu (bottom - left) was a real pain. I had to wait for different parts of the menu to load, before selecting something. This made deskop interactivity poor. But other actions worked well - moving between windows and work places or screens was good.

This very early experience leeds me to say that it is still a work in process. Your mileage may vary.

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