It seems to be licorice allsorts depending which release you have. On the one hand Arch does a red LED during boot, then a vibrate and a blue LED for notifications. It even has some sort of haptic feedback on squeakboard when I am prodding away with 1 finger.
Mobian used to have an LED during boot (green?) and vibrate, neither of which I am getting at the moment. But I do get a blue notification LED.
In both cases I update daily, so this is a current status that may change shortly.
- ROCKPro64 v2.1 2GB, 16Gb eMMC retired in favour of a fruity upgrade
- PinePhone Pro Explorer Edition, daily driver, Tow-boot on SPI, Arch/SXMO on eMMC
- PinePhone BraveHeart now v1.2b 3/32Gb, Tow-boot with pmOS/SXMO on eMMC
Used to be though the green LED would light up when powering up the Pinephone before the OS loaded, so I don't think it's an OS issue. That LED just stopped indicating power on status at some point.
Ah, didn't realize it was u-boot triggering the LED, thought it was a hardware thing. As you say I'm sure it will ultimately get sorted out and it's not really a vital issue.
You can also test your LEDs by manually turning them on: Write 1 to /sys/class/devices/platform/leds/leds/[color]:indicator/brightness to turn on the desired color and 0 to turn it back off.
A followup on the vibration motor, I've been thinking all this time that it was not working and that I must have damaged it while installing the replacement USB-C board. However it seems that it's just a Mobian software issue after all. I decided to run the PostmarketOS diagnostics and the first thing it did on powerup was to vibrate the phone! (Since Mobian now flashes the green LED on boot presumably at some point it will work the vibrator as well.)