I got my Pinephone 3G Ram Model and can't get a mobile connection.
The Signal strength is always at 0.
The same SIM Card is working without problems on my old Braveheart edition.
I Tested multiple distros, some could read out the carrier name but all have 0 Signal.
Also factory test says "Not Registered" and signal strength of -90db.
Could my modem be broken?
Currently postmarketos is installed.
How to debug this?
Thank you.
Thank you both for your Support.
#On the OS wiki under postmarket builds there is a test build. It is used to test the hardware. Flash it to an SD card and test.
I did this already: Also factory test says "Not Registered" and signal strength of -90db.
#Which carrier are you using?
Current SIM is Sipgate.
#Did you put a PIN on your SIM card with the SIM Lock feature on your BH?
All my SIM Cards have no PIN Set
#Did you manually enter APN settings on your 3GB?
No, this SIM with this provider worked out of the box in BH Edition (and does so now).
As I thought the implementation of the Modem didn't change, so could there be differences?
#Do you have another SIM card to try on your 3GB? If so, are the results any different?
Yes, I tested my O2 Sim Card also. the result is exactly the same.
Currently I tested newest Versions of PostmarketOS (Phosh), Mobian, Arch Linux (My Default OS) and played aroud with all images om the Multiboot Test image (Sailfish).
Everywhere the same issue.
You're probably as good a judge of that as anyone. It doesn't seem to be a risk-free procedure, so I'd want to be fairly sure it wasn't just a SIM compatibility issue before trying it. At least one person who was having trouble with a SIM that worked in other phones but not in the PinePhone has reported a new SIM from the same telco worked with no problems.