power button - tactile button make and model number
My friend and I bought into the kickstarter, he received his first. He warned me that the power button was loose inside the box and to look for it when unboxing. It wasn't in the box or the package or anywhere, I was extremely careful in opening it to make sure it wouldn't fall out. I'm not upset or anything about it. I just want to know the manufacturer and model number of the tactile button itself so I can order 2 (power and reset) as I like the side action design (my pine is now in an enclosure that makes top-down operation impossible with other buttons). I have spend a couple hours google searching for spec sheets and such that might have this information to no avail.  

tl;dr Need to know the make and model of the power/reset tactile buttons so I can order them on Amazon or somewhere.

Thanks for reading!
It was discussed here:
a good source:
$5 for 50 you will just have to wait.

of course the question will be what do I do with 48 of remaining switches after I solder my board Big Grin
As the thread above, I bought from elements14:

This is Panasonic on the left, Pine on the right (un soldered):
[Image: image.jpg]

And this is how it looks after soldering:
[Image: image.jpg]

Big Grin
I was thinking about connecting up something like this for mine.
I really like flatted toggle switches for some reason.

Keep in mind the power switch connection on the board is meant to be momentarily (or long moment) pulled to ground. It's not your typical power interruption circuit.
I have a bunch of them if you want to PM me your address I will ship you a couple since it will only cost me a stamp or two I don't mind.
Guys I'd like to know if my board is faulty. When I connect the two on pads for a moment, my board turns on just for a few seconds and then goes off. If I try connecting them for more time, the same thing again. Reset button works perfectly.
My board does that sometimes, I will go to power it on and it comes on then goes back off, usually I unplug the power and plug it back in if a long puts to shut it all the way off then a short puts to turn it back on doesn't work. I think reset may turn it back on to. The other thing I noticed is when it does that I can sometimes turn it on with a key press on the keyboard or a mouse button press. I think it's just going to sleep but I could be wrong. And it does it less now that the button is soldered on.
Little beats big when little is smart. First with the head, then with the heart.  P.K. ~Power of One~
I love those red buttons :-) I went this morning to the store to buy buttons and they charge me 1 € by button. and they were black.
any way. I have them connected already. I couln't have waited for allyexpress to send them.
I bought fifty switches for $.99 here - 50pcs HQ 6*6*5mm Right-Angle Tactile PushButton Switch SPST - Pack of 50

Even with the $2.60 shipping, that works out to $.0736 each.

There are different 6*6*x switches of this form factor available, with the length of the actuator varying.

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