Best current OS by working features
UB Touch
Postmarket OS
Manjaro (specify phosh or arm)
Arch ARM
Maemo leste
44 vote(s)
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OS's ranked by functionality
(08-24-2020, 08:46 PM)hiimtye Wrote:
(08-24-2020, 01:21 AM)SwordfishII Wrote: Wait what?

You mean no su or sudo? What do you mean by no Linux apps? They don't have a repo?
you can use su/sudo but you have to remound the filesystem as rw

UBPorts doesn't use regular Linux apps, it uses apps that are in a closed ecosystem to UbuntuPorts, although it is possible to use regular linux apps, inside a container, if you can ever get it to work (it wasn't working last time I checked). it has a container system called, ironically, libertine, that lets you run regular Ubuntu apps inside a closed container. it's a neat hybrid approach if it ever worked.

Hmm sounds like not the right distro for me
If you read some of the posts on UBPorts website from late 2019 to early 2020, you will notice they are concentrating on making Ubuntu 16.04 work on the Pine phone for ... NOW...
I remember reading a thread at one point going over the details of each distro eg android kernel, repo size, DEs, can't seem to find it now though.
(08-24-2020, 10:00 PM)SwordfishII Wrote: Hmm sounds like not the right distro for me

I'm in the same boat.
I orderd a PineTab, hope there is a Mobian Image for PineTab soon. Once I have it in my hands, maybe I will flash the Mobian PinePhone Image to SD and see what happens :-). What do you guys think about that?
(08-25-2020, 05:05 AM)guenther Wrote:
(08-24-2020, 10:00 PM)SwordfishII Wrote: Hmm sounds like not the right distro for me

I'm in the same boat.
I orderd a PineTab, hope there is a Mobian Image for PineTab soon. Once I have it in my hands, maybe I will flash the Mobian PinePhone Image to SD and see what happens :-). What do you guys think about that?

  a-wai mentioned about a month back that the software will be similar but a few items like the screen scaling will need to be different.

  I think the modem may require some kind of different routing, I think it is the same modem, but since it is an option it needs to plug into the PCIe slot on the PineTab.

But yeah the boards are a lot alike.
To-date i was only using UB myself. Just flashed 3 new SDs with Mobian, Arch ARM, and Manjaro Phosh a2.

Gave mobian a quick test-ride. Definitely seems to have some core stuff working that's missing in UB, such as out of the box camera (un mirrored) and GPS. Some awkward things still throwing me off though. Laggy UI, 1-2 second response on keyup. Volume seems to have 3 levels and both buttons cycle through each with no display. Some bluetooth devices detected, others not. Cant refresh to find new devices. Also not sure how keen i am to have mozilla as my browser, im not certain i trust their privacy claims. Otherwise it does function very well, but UI is a bit bulky.

I really like the clean snappy feel of UB as well as how intuitive it is, but hate that its builds aren't super consistent and that some stuff that usually works great gets twitchy sometimes.

I've had data on UB for almost 2 months now, Mobian didnt seem to have it automatically, but I'll manually update my APN tomorrow and see if it works

Ill also try Arch and Manjaro tomorrow for more updates. Was thinking of PMOS too, but from the looks of it it doesnt seem to have been keeping pace over the last month, so I'll try it once word is they've caught up.

Between UB and Mobian, it looks like UB will make a better finished product eventually, but Mobian is more finished.
(08-24-2020, 10:00 PM)SwordfishII Wrote:
(08-24-2020, 08:46 PM)hiimtye Wrote:
(08-24-2020, 01:21 AM)SwordfishII Wrote: Wait what?

You mean no su or sudo? What do you mean by no Linux apps? They don't have a repo?
you can use su/sudo but you have to remound the filesystem as rw

UBPorts doesn't use regular Linux apps, it uses apps that are in a closed ecosystem to UbuntuPorts, although it is possible to use regular linux apps, inside a container, if you can ever get it to work (it wasn't working last time I checked). it has a container system called, ironically, libertine, that lets you run regular Ubuntu apps inside a closed container. it's a neat hybrid approach if it ever worked.

Hmm sounds like not the right distro for me
Yeah - I too am underwhelmed by Ubuntu Touch: losing 2.4G of precious EMMC to some Android hangover disk partition scheme seems careless, the 16.04 Ubuntu artefact makes it feel "old" rather than bleeding edge and the having to cope with another application ecosystem (compared to Google Play, Apple's App, Linux apt etc) seems unlikely to converge with my Linux desktop!

I love the lean pmOS philosophy but the apk universe is also relatively (to apt) lean, and they appear somewhat constrained by an installed base that is not PinePhone.

Back to the OP - on functionality I cannot give a quantified/objective ranking but for sure my subjective choice is Mobian by a country mile.
  • ROCKPro64 v2.1 2GB, 16Gb eMMC for rootfs, SX8200Pro 512GB NVMe for /home, HDMI video & sound, Bluetooth keyboard & mouse. Arch (6.2 kernel, Openbox desktop) for general purpose daily PC.
  • PinePhone Pro Explorer Edition, daily driver, rk2aw & U-boot on SPI, Arch/SXMO & Arch/phosh on eMMC
  • PinePhone BraveHeart now v1.2b 3/32Gb, Tow-boot with Arch/SXMO on eMMC
Mobian and ARCH both working very well. I do NOT like their bulky and laggy PHOSH UI anywhere near as much as UBports crisp and snappy UI, but they are both working completely and capable of being a daily driver. I can confirm all basic functions appear working. Calls sms and data all work on noth 3G and 4G APN must be manually set in both, but otherwise they absolutely do their job.
I have not yet tested bluetooth, email clients or mms but i see those as ancillary to core phone functions. Also they may well be working, ill find out in my next tests. Right now focusing on some other key areas. Will test Manjaro next.
Just wondering :

  When comparing responsiveness of one system to another,
        Are they both on eMMC     or      both on SD cards  ?
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(08-26-2020, 01:23 PM)bcnaz Wrote: Just wondering :

  When comparing responsiveness of one system to another,
        Are they both on eMMC     or      both on SD cards  ?
All on SD so far. I do expect eMMC should be a bit faster. Nonetheless, some clear differences.

Update! Tested Manjaro too. It was a bit slower than both ARCH and Mobian, but otherwise very similar. Out of the box manjaro had less working, but after 10 mins of set up its functions were on par with the other 2. All using the same PHOSH UI which im not too keen on, but all working. Manjaro for some reason starts a new message thread for each sms so they don't stay together. Still functions though. All 3 capable of daily driver. I would rank Mobian and ARCH equal ahead of Manjaro. UB ports is still by far my favorite UI, and for some bizarre reason the fastest and snappiest. But it has less working. It almost functions as a daily driver, just not quite.

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