Recalbox in Docker (retro games)
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Ok, yesterday I was successfull running Rock64 version of Recalbox on PBP. It was quite simple, thanks to @Mrfixit2001.

Just downloaded Rock64 Recalbox version from here and written it to SD card using DD (after unpacking). Then, the most important, I had to copy PBP DTB to boot partition of SD card and also to edit the file /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf to point to that our new DTB file.

I used the DTB file from @ayufan's Ubuntu.

- I cannot configure volume of sound
- Freezing when returning back from some system menus (system informations etc.)
- wifi does not work

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.zip (Size: 20.58 KB / Downloads: 412)
I managed to run Retroarch on Armbian (19.10) quite good. I installed it from PPA but I had to download stella core manually, because the default core updater does not support arm64 cores. So I found the stella core somewhere and it works Smile Almost perfect, playable, but still not absolutely smooth. Just much better than before on regular Ubuntu.
(01-26-2020, 02:07 PM)Wizzard Wrote: I managed to run Retroarch on Armbian (19.10) quite good. I installed it from PPA but I had to download stella core manually, because the default core updater does not support arm64 cores. So I found the stella core somewhere and it works Smile Almost perfect, playable, but still not absolutely smooth. Just much better than before on regular Ubuntu.

re: Retroarch, I've only ran it on Manjaro so far and it was a nice 60 fps for 8 bit and 16 bit gaming.
RA itself and a few cores are on the package manager there, cores might be a bit out of date though. I used an xinput controller from SteelSeries, worked perfect
I remember I tried Recalbox on Manjaro too, but I dont remember if I was able to install some core in Online Updater. Were you able to do it? I think Manjaro uses arm64 architecture and Retroarch does not have aarch64 cores in the repository.
I haven't tested this in awhile, and might have some fixes to push, but this is a one-script that checks/installs docker and gets the latest buildroot version of recalbox for the rockpro64 or rock64, converts it to docker, installs a systemd service so you can control default boot, and adds a script/icon for X11 to "Switch to Recalbox" from the X11 desktop. This is setup so if you "shutdown" from recalbox, display manager starts so you can use a web browser/desktop and then just click the icon to switch back. You can enable the recalbox service and disable the display-manager to boot by default into recalbox -- there might be a script/command for this..

I tested it with MrFixit2001's desktop release as it shares the kernel and is the most compatible. It should work on the Pinebook Pro with any Debian/Ubuntu install with a reasonable kernel,

Since this actually takes any buildroot image and creates everything on-the-fly in the installer, this works with LibreELEC also:

Will pick this back up again soon as I finish the case for a portable briefcase-touchscreen-jukebox build.

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