Install Playstore on Android 8.1.0
How to install PlayStore on Android 8.1.0

The zip with all needed files :
IMPORTANT : This file are not the same as for Android 7.1.2

Activate developer mode and get a root shell:

./adb device

./adb root

./adb remount

./adb push playstore.apk /system/priv-app/

./adb push playservices.apk /system/priv-app/

./adb push gsf.apk /system/priv-app/

./adb install -r gsf.apk

./adb install -r playservices.apk

./adb install -r playstore.apk

./adb push /system/lib/

./adb push /system/lib/

./adb push /system/lib/

./adb push /system/lib/

./adb push /system/lib/

./adb push /system/lib/

./adb push /system/lib/

./adb push /system/lib/

./adb push /system/lib/

./adb push /system/lib/

./adb push /system/lib/

./adb push /system/lib/

./adb push /system/lib/

./adb push /system/lib/

Then reboot and go to the android settings, apps and give all the permissions to the apks installed.

The following commands should also be executed on the RockPro64 to prevent occasional Google Play Services errors: So run the beginning commands and get into adb shell and run these commands:

./adb shell

pm grant android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION

pm grant android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

Reboot again.

it worked for me but i had to overwrite your platform tools adb fastboot etc with a working version. but yeah im logged into play services
I used the platform tools from the link and they worked for me.
I use Windows 10
I have already the Android 8.1.0 installed in my eMMC module and the system starts fine but as you know there ins't gapps so I would like to install.
I've download the zip file I don't know how continue.
How I active the developer mode? should I connect my rockpro64 to my windows pc? How? Or what?

Please, do you have a dummy guide or something like that???
Will this work for Android 9? I have installed 9 on 64GB SD, but no Gplay. I want to find out before I wreck the OS. It worked great on 8.1!
Does anybody have a working link to the zip?
(10-27-2018, 05:25 PM)its-pointless Wrote: it worked for me but i had to overwrite your platform tools adb fastboot etc with a working version. but yeah im logged into play services

can someone give me the zip file? it is no more available in the link. Thanks
(10-27-2018, 05:25 PM)its-pointless Wrote: it worked for me but i had to overwrite your platform tools adb fastboot etc with a working version. but yeah im logged into play services

I can't download. the link is broken. could someone share the zip file? thanks
it seems support for the rockpro64 is a bit rubbish, i would have thought the creators would be keeping up to date on how to install android 8 9 10  and atv and showing how to install gapps and playstore but this site feels dead. cant they create an img with gapps already included.

anyway i to want to install playstore etc and yes the link doesnt work. I did find this info from the tinkerboard creators site which seem almost exactly the same. and they say which files to download. between the instructions above and the ones on tinker we may just get play store installed and running.

here is the link , i havnt tried it yet myself but will be soon.

good luck would be interested in known if it works Rolleyes
(04-29-2020, 03:17 AM)pixelbrain Wrote: it seems support for the rockpro64 is a bit rubbish, i would have thought the creators would be keeping up to date on how to install android 8 9 10 and atv and showing how to install gapps and playstore but this site feels dead.

Probably because not many people appear to be interested in running Android on the rockpro64? Since it's a community-driven project, if the interest isn't there, the support won't happen.

(04-29-2020, 03:17 AM)pixelbrain Wrote: cant they create an img with gapps already included.

Er, probably not, for the same reasons other images don't include them... From when I was fiddling with Android images with other devices, downloading and installing the gapps package was normal, probably because the distribution license wouldn't allow for the apps to be re-packaged.

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