RPi Monitor

Is there any way to add RPi Monitor or similar onto my Pine? My pine is headless and I want to be able to monitor its performance when operating under load.

(04-15-2017, 07:21 AM)connorja Wrote: Is there any way to add RPi Monitor or similar onto my Pine? My pine is headless and I want to be able to monitor its performance when operating under load.

The typical way is to run 'top' or preferrably  'htop' 

... basically you ssh into your server and start 'screen' with as many sessions as you want-- one of which is 'htop'.  The htop program will show you processes , load balancing , memory , stats of all kinds , as well give you control over all running processes and threads in the system and on user space.
marcushh777    Cool

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( I regret that I am not able to respond to personal messages;  let's meet on irc! )
If you use Armbian, they have packages with RPi-Monitor ports in their repo...
Come have a chat in the Pine IRC channel >>
(04-15-2017, 04:27 PM)xalius Wrote: If you use Armbian, they have packages with RPi-Monitor ports in their repo...

Yup, as xalius said, it's readily installable on Armbian... just run sudo armbianmonitor -r and a mostly pine64 compatible of the raspberry pi monitor will be installed. Note that there may be a glitch in the temperature readout... it appears the decimal is in the wrong place at the moment... 0.037C as opposed to 37C, and a few other bits seem to be broken at the moment that I thought were working before. Having said that... logging such as temperature and load over time, free memory, etc is still working. If you just want some primitive load information, you could run just the armbianmonitor tool itself with the -m parameter (as sudo) and you get CPU frequency, temperature, CPU and I/O load as a console log.
after i read xalius' post i went looking for it using search function of synaptic package manager and there was a rpimonitor package listed so i went ahead and installed it. i was not aware at the time it's called armbianmonitor, although synaptic should have hit on it if it was available. anyway, the rpimonitor has the same issues you mention so it might have been an earlier build or a fork or something. what does work is nice and i'm interested in how time gets treated as far as history in a month or two.
Courtesy of tkaiser, here is an install script that downloads RPi monitor and patches it for A64:

wget -q -O - http://kaiser-edv.de/tmp/4U4tkD/install-rpi-monitor-for-a64.sh | /bin/bash
Come have a chat in the Pine IRC channel >>
(04-16-2017, 01:54 PM)xalius Wrote: Courtesy of tkaiser, here is an install script that downloads RPi monitor and patches it for A64:

wget -q -O - http://kaiser-edv.de/tmp/4U4tkD/install-rpi-monitor-for-a64.sh | /bin/bash

Hi folks, the htop / top method is something I knew of. I wasn't as clear to say I wanted a web gui. Makes it much easier to monitor performance from my mobile while connected to my home wifi.

Xalius, I installed that script and it announces I can now view the RPi Monitor on port 8888. However, trying to load that port in my web browser on mac and mobile doesn't load. I've allowed all connections to this port via ufw to establish if this was the cause but it isn't. Plex and deluge work on their ports set.

Any help? Thanks
That script will not work as is... it is designed specifically to work with Armbian, and can fail quite spectacularly without any warning unless you know that it saves a log file, and where it is...


After running

sudo -i
wget -q -O - http://kaiser-edv.de/tmp/4U4tkD/install-rpi-monitor-for-a64.sh | /bin/bash

do a
more /var/log/rpi-monitor-install.log
to see if there is any errors reported. In my case, because I didn't wait long enough for the background apt-get update to finish, so got a bunch of dpkg/lock errors.

More importantly, rpimonitor is provided from the Armbian repo, as the official rpi instructions which were originally used by the script stopped working. So the script firstly doesn't install rpimonitor, and then secondly can't patch it as it was never installed!

Quite a bit of fiddling will be needed with that script, as it can't just be directly downloaded and run on a non-Armbian setup.
htop works great on all distros.
marcushh777    Cool

please join us for a chat @  irc.pine64.xyz:6667   or ssl  irc.pine64.xyz:6697

( I regret that I am not able to respond to personal messages;  let's meet on irc! )
Ok, so after some fiddling and farting around, and some pointers from the original script author on where stuff was, I was able to get it working on ubuntu (and probably debian). 

Just like with tkaisers original script, you can use wget to download and run it directly. As with any random script that you find online, run at your own risk, and unless you trust the author, don't run it blindly unless you're willing to wear the consequences if it all goes wrong Wink

Having said that, the command to down and run it is (when running as root/sudo), is 

wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pfeerick/pine64-scripts/master/install-rpimonitor.sh | /bin/bash

Thus you can also read the source code by viewing it directly: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pfeeri...monitor.sh

The code will, in a nutshell, add the armbian updates repository, add the repositories public key normally or revert to an included copy of the public key (as I was having issues with the 'normal' method on one box), updates the repository lists, installs rpimonitor, and then applies the A64 patch. 

You will then be able to enjoy having your web browser accessible historical cpu, load and temperature historical logging Smile btw, if there is anyone wondering why people want RPi-monitor, and why tools like htop, top, or even the handy armbianmonitor script just don't cut the mustard... have a look at this excellent article by Jean-Luc Aufranc. It is especially handy when your system crashes, as it doesn't overwrite old data, so you can boot the system back up, and see exactly what was going on around the time of the crash thermally and load wise (as htop doesn't show temperatures, cpu frequency or thermal throttling).

Any concerns or complaints about the script, please address them to some who cares (no, seriously, leave an issue on my issue tracker and I'll look into it if I have enough time and interest).

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