May dietpi save Pine64 ; watch youtube via chromium
hi all .

i use pine64+ .
i watch youtube very smoothly Heart  and sound comes from TV . Heart

the smooth youtube example  is the right . --->    youtube  .

installing main story is

1)  dietpi-config
      advanced option ---> swap (1024M)

2) dietpi-software 
     ---> Software optimized 
     ---> lxde chromium
     ---> desktop
                ---> install

3) adduser pi
    cat .xinitrc -> startlxde 

all is done for youtube Tongue   .

( the others )

dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
dpkg-reconfigure locales  ( do not remove en_GB.UTF-8 Angry )

E apt-get install aptitude

G japanese
aptitude install fonts-takao-gothic
aptitude install ibus-anthy im-config zenity

H aptitude install slim
      nano /etc/slim.conf 

I  aptitude install ffmpeg

in this stage , pine64 can show it's full power !
namely pine64 is a very good car but till now driver is poor .
now we hire cena F1 racer driver .

Thanks for sharing. Do you think that it works better on dietpi than other Linux images ? Also, what resolution is the video playing at? Just asking out of curiosity.
You can find me on IRC, Discord and Twitter

i use pine64+ 1GB memory .

i try archlinux , but it cannot play youtube .

by debian , it play youtube by midori but it can not play youtube smoothly .
namely not a movie but a commic .

only android plays youtube smoothly but i do not like android .

the resolution is dependent of TV and redolution setting .
(12-08-2016, 06:12 PM)hatahata Wrote: i use pine64+ 1GB memory .

i try archlinux , but it cannot play youtube .

by debian , it play youtube by midori but it can not play youtube smoothly .
namely not a movie but a commic .

only android plays youtube smoothly but i do not like android .

the resolution is dependent of TV and redolution setting .

if you use longsleep archlinux image ,  end of supported , so you can't play youtube
If I am wrong please correct my content , thank !

1. Use Pine64 Running Ubuntu 16.04 Web Server ( LAMP )

2. Use Pine64 Running Official Android 6  for Media player
3. Use Pine64 Running Volumio Digital Audio Player

now i set swap as 16GB(USB hard disk ) .
youtube is smooth .
Quote:hatahatanow i set swap as 16GB(USB hard disk ) .
youtube is smooth .

I sure do want to watch youtubes like you.  I don't know why I only get stop-and-go response of the videos.  When I try to specify the amount of swap that you're using:

root@DietPi:~# dphys-swapfile setup
want /mnt/8ccd4c9a-baa0-4717-83e3-ff582354a048/.swapfile=28000MByte, restricting to config limit: 2048MBytes, (etc...)

So apparently I have the maximum size swap file I am allowed at about 2Gb.  The stated valid range goes up to 2000Mb only. I am using a 32Gb USB Kingston flash drive (dedicated, with a formatted swap fs).  Running the mount command does NOT show my flash drive mounted, but the free, blkid, and cat /proc/swaps commands show:

root@DietPi:~# free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       2036460     262112    1774348      10356      18116     132948
-/+ buffers/cache:     111048    1925412
Swap:      2097148          0    2097148

root@DietPi:~# blkid|grep sdb
/dev/sdb1: UUID="8ccd4c9a-baa0-4717-83e3-ff582354a048" TYPE="swap" PARTUUID="e35da128-01"

root@DietPi:~# cat /proc/swaps
Filename                Type        Size    Used    Priority
/mnt/8ccd4c9a-baa0-4717-83e3-ff582354a048/.swapfile file        2097148    0    -1
The mount command shows NOTHING mounted relative to /dev/sdb1, my swap flash partition.

This is a new u-SD card, freshly imaged and installed with your options, except that I'm not using a pi user, just root.  Could that be my problem?  I wasn't really clear on your step of adding the pi user and changing (?) that rc init file.  That rc init file doesn't exist on my system.

Any ideas?  Thanks!
(03-08-2017, 06:52 PM)kenneth558 Wrote:
root@DietPi:~# dphys-swapfile setup
want /mnt/8ccd4c9a-baa0-4717-83e3-ff582354a048/.swapfile=28000MByte, restricting to config limit: 2048MBytes, (etc...)

I'm not familiar with that command (used to just creating a swap partition and then enabling it), but since you've run the  dphys-swapfile setup command... have you run dphys-swapfile swapon to then actually enable the swapfile usage? It appears you need to run both commands?  Huh
(03-08-2017, 10:47 PM)pfeerick Wrote:
(03-08-2017, 06:52 PM)kenneth558 Wrote:
root@DietPi:~# dphys-swapfile setup
want /mnt/8ccd4c9a-baa0-4717-83e3-ff582354a048/.swapfile=28000MByte, restricting to config limit: 2048MBytes, (etc...)

I'm not familiar with that command (used to just creating a swap partition and then enabling it), but since you've run the  dphys-swapfile setup command... have you run dphys-swapfile swapon to then actually enable the swapfile usage? It appears you need to run both commands?  Huh

Yes, I did but didn't think to include it because the swapon command produced no response.  My bad in not posting that info.  Thank you kindly for asking.  Did you enable swap via fstab instead?  

Come to think of it, that cat /proc/swaps command output must have gotten chopped off somehow.  It is actually:
root@DietPi:~# cat /proc/swaps
Filename                                            Type        Size    Used    Priority
/mnt/8ccd4c9a-baa0-4717-83e3-ff582354a048/.swapfile file        2047996    0    -1
Can someone explain to me why you would A) need swap in the first palce and B) use non-standard tools to implement it?
Come have a chat in the Pine IRC channel >>
(03-09-2017, 07:20 AM)kenneth558 Wrote:
(03-08-2017, 10:47 PM)pfeerick Wrote:
(03-08-2017, 06:52 PM)kenneth558 Wrote:
root@DietPi:~# dphys-swapfile setup
want /mnt/8ccd4c9a-baa0-4717-83e3-ff582354a048/.swapfile=28000MByte, restricting to config limit: 2048MBytes, (etc...)

I'm not familiar with that command (used to just creating a swap partition and then enabling it), but since you've run the  dphys-swapfile setup command... have you run dphys-swapfile swapon to then actually enable the swapfile usage? It appears you need to run both commands?  Huh

Yes, I did but didn't think to include it because the swapon command produced no response.  My bad in not posting that info.  Thank you kindly for asking.  Did you enable swap via fstab instead?  

Come to think of it, that cat /proc/swaps command output must have gotten chopped off somehow.  It is actually:
root@DietPi:~# cat /proc/swaps
Filename                                            Type        Size    Used    Priority
/mnt/8ccd4c9a-baa0-4717-83e3-ff582354a048/.swapfile file        2047996    0    -1

(03-09-2017, 10:29 AM)xalius Wrote: Can someone explain to me why you would A) need swap in the first palce and B) use non-standard tools to implement it?

A) Guessing that  I don't need swap (for youtubing, at least), and
B) I actually discovered that dphys-swapfile is a standard part of Ubuntu in the course of this.  I'm guessing that using a swap file instead of a swap partition is when you'd use use it. It is how the command-lining behind the whiptail GUI-like DietPi configurator tool handles swap.

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