(10-07-2022, 02:00 PM)treebeard Wrote: There are various posts suggesting some nftables magic can change the TTL to evade the sniffing but I haven't been able to get that to work.
For what it's worth, I did find a way to "fix" the TTL but it was not enough to avoid Verizon's tether-block. After starting tether (or hotspot) do
sudo nft add rule ip nm-shared-usb0 filter_forward index 0 ip saddr iifname "usb0" ip ttl set 64 accept
This will make the filter_forward chain look like:
chain filter_forward {
type filter hook forward priority filter; policy accept;
ip daddr oifname "usb0" ct state { established, related } accept
ip saddr iifname "usb0" ip ttl set 64 accept
ip saddr iifname "usb0" accept
iifname "usb0" oifname "usb0" accept
iifname "usb0" reject
oifname "usb0" reject