U-Boot for A64 git
I published a new simpleimage, this time with BSP Kernel inside. MMC, Ethernet (at 100M), Wifi and HDMI (1080p) are working.

Get 20160221-3 from https://www.stdin.xyz/downloads/people/l...64-images/

Also the BOOTLOG has been updated showing this image booting.

As HDMI works, you no longer need a serial UART tty to see something. Please note though that no console is started on HDMI in initrd - means to interact with the initrd rescue shell get a UART tty.
I published another simple image with a new Kernel based on BSP 1.2, Ethernet 1000M fix from the new Android Image and new ATF to support Hardware virtualization.

Get 20160227-1 from https://www.stdin.xyz/downloads/people/l...64-images/

Also the BOOTLOG has been updated to show this image booting.
(02-27-2016, 06:46 AM)longsleep Wrote: I published another simple image with a new Kernel based on BSP 1.2, Ethernet 1000M fix from the new Android Image and new ATF to support Hardware virtualization.

Get 20160227-1 from https://www.stdin.xyz/downloads/people/l...64-images/

Also the BOOTLOG has been updated to show this image booting.

Finally back in California from Asia trip. I will spend time on this weekend to try out your build. Appreciate and thanks on your contribution.
I published another simple image reflecting the latest changes to Kernel and device tree. See first post on this thread for details what has changed.

Get 20160304-1 from https://www.stdin.xyz/downloads/people/l...64-images/
I backported normal booti support from mainline U-Boot and hacked in the 64-bit warm reset over from boota. This means, U-Boot for Pine64 now can boot a normal Kernel image + initrd instead of the android style with boota. The builtin U-Boot default environment has been changed considerably, meaning you have to update your file structure when you update to the new U-Boot or change your uEnv.txt or uboot.env to old style.

Get 20160306-1 from https://www.stdin.xyz/downloads/people/l...64-images/

All my build gear has been updated to get rid of android images and use the new file locations. For the new default environment see https://github.com/longsleep/u-boot-pine...#L337-L372 - the building gear has been changed to build boot support for this new environment. I will no longer support android style booting, but the U-Boot build will keep it enabled for now.
To support additional CPU frequencies, U-Boot needs to be updated.

Get 20160311-1 from https://www.stdin.xyz/downloads/people/l...64-images/

To update both Kernel an U-Boot to the latest releases, run the following commands (as root):
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longsleep/build-pine64-image/master/simpleimage/platform-scripts/pine64_update_uboot.sh)
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longsleep/build-pine64-image/master/simpleimage/platform-scripts/pine64_update_kernel.sh)
and reboot.
To support the differences between Pine64 and Pine64+ U-Boot needs to be updated. It now detects the model and the default environment will load different device trees (/boot/pine64/sun50i-a64-pine64-plus.dtb, /boot/pine64/sun50i-a64-pine64.dtb).

Get 20160319-1 from https://www.stdin.xyz/downloads/people/l...64-images/

To update both Kernel an U-Boot to the latest releases, run the following commands (as root):
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longsleep/build-pine64-image/master/simpleimage/platform-scripts/pine64_update_uboot.sh)
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longsleep/build-pine64-image/master/simpleimage/platform-scripts/pine64_update_kernel.sh)
and reboot.

If you update the Kernel as well you will get both device trees, making the image also work with networking on the non-plus Pine64 when you remove the fixed dtb filename from the existing /boot/uEnv.txt.
I updated the simpleimage build to include the latest Kernel. No changes to U-Boot.

Get 20160403-2 from https://www.stdin.xyz/downloads/people/l...64-images/

To update both Kernel an U-Boot to the latest releases, run the following commands (as root):
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longsleep/build-pine64-image/master/simpleimage/platform-scripts/pine64_update_uboot.sh)
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longsleep/build-pine64-image/master/simpleimage/platform-scripts/pine64_update_kernel.sh)
and reboot.
I updated the simpleimage build to include the latest changes to the device tree, U-Boot and Kernel. See the first post in this thread for the list of changes.

Get 20160423-1 from https://www.stdin.xyz/downloads/people/l...64-images/

To update both Kernel an U-Boot to the latest releases, run the following commands (as root):
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longsleep/build-pine64-image/master/simpleimage/platform-scripts/pine64_update_uboot.sh)
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longsleep/build-pine64-image/master/simpleimage/platform-scripts/pine64_update_kernel.sh)
and reboot.
(04-23-2016, 01:29 PM)longsleep Wrote: I updated the simpleimage build to include the latest changes to the device tree, U-Boot and Kernel. See the first post in this thread for the list of changes.

Get 20160423-1 from https://www.stdin.xyz/downloads/people/l...64-images/

To update both Kernel an U-Boot to the latest releases, run the following commands (as root):
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longsleep/build-pine64-image/master/simpleimage/platform-scripts/pine64_update_uboot.sh)
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longsleep/build-pine64-image/master/simpleimage/platform-scripts/pine64_update_kernel.sh)
and reboot.

thank you

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