Are there any e-ink screens with public specifications and some open source support that would be suitable for a project like this?
Maybe with Pine64 experimenting with RISC-V on the Pinecil, a basic e-ink reader using a simple RISC-V platform could be the next step?
A relatively cheap and easy to use RISC-V device would certainly raise a lot of developer interest, but as it stands available RISC-V platforms are rather low performance so a device that doesn't need much performance like a ebook reader would seem like a good choice.
I would be very interested in a e ink screen. It dramatically increases battery life while making the phone not too adictive and is easy on the eyes. Definite win.
Most e-ink displays in ebook readers don't use SPI, but a set of some custom barely publicly documented protocols. It's also not exactly low speed. Displays are rated at 85 redraws of the screen per second, etc.
It could probably be driven by LCD interface of A64 SoC with the similar hack Pocketbook uses to drive their e-ink dispolays with A13 SoC that absolutely doesn't have a special controller to drive their proprietary e-ink displays. They just write a control pattern to DRAM and use LCD controller data lines to bitbang the protocol.
Probably with the new quartz64 it will be possible but I think it will take years of waiting
05-01-2021, 12:04 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-01-2021, 12:06 PM by biketool.)
I got a few used 9" e-paper signs for a good deal, I could probably figure them out if I could capture the transmitter protocol and spoof it with a SDR transmitter but I am probably just going to de-solder the display and use an official serial driver board from e-paper. The driver boards are about $20 but I was thinking to make a esp32 book reader or something with a few of them, I could probably have gotten by with a solar cell power and a attiny along with the driver but I really want to be able to beam books over via bluetooth or maybe wifi.
The other option is to get another epaper NFC driver board wihich is cool as it is powered form the NFC, this is something I hope to see as an add-on option fo rthe keyboard which I hope includes a i2c multiplexer so we can add stuff like that, I already have a i2c hub(cut the pogo pin traces and divert to hub then connect kb to the hub output), i2c nfc loop, and Qi charger loop waiting for a cram-in install once the pinephone keyboard is available form the store.