05-22-2022, 02:44 PM
Hello I'm still very excited to be part of this community and for those of you only interested in helping with my problem I advise you skip the rest of this and the next paragraph. I am sorry that my first posts here and discord have been complaints. I've been away from computers for the most part from 2010 - 2017 and hope to expand my knowledge base with your help.
Once my android phone updated without my consent and installed the covaids app (not installing any other system updates that I shelved for a long period) I had already been on the path to realizing (phone comes preloaded with apps) I didn't own my own phone. So I got a phone I could flash Lineage OS to and my experience with it has been nothing but pleasant, some bugs here and there but nothing I couldn't figure out on my own.
It's relevant that I note I've only begun using Linux in 2019 (Lineage, Installed Mint late 2020 on the first PC I've had in almost a decade and now I'm on Parrot) and very much so want to become proficient in sudo but I'm not there.
The issue I am having is, even after installing mtp-tools I cannot find the PPP under "devices" and I also cannot find it using lsusb or lsblk it should show up as adb or mmc from what I can tell.... I can find my other phone though. I have installed Tow-Boot. And the OS it comes with is too unstable to use for any length of time and it cannot connect to WiFi. I cannot use Jumpdrive to flash a new updated OS to the device, when I put it on the SD and hold the RE button when I attempt to start it it does nothing (from my understanding TowBoot should make it so I can boot it holding vol+/- and that does not work here so don't yell at me about not holding RE it it'll just boot the shipped OS) the SD card works to boot Manjaro though do I know the SD isn't the issue.
I've tried downloading a new OS after booting from SD and installing it with the Disk app and it runs into issues there as well. Even if that would work I'll be stuck with a device that won't register via USB and that's just not going to work for me.
Any suggestions?
Once my android phone updated without my consent and installed the covaids app (not installing any other system updates that I shelved for a long period) I had already been on the path to realizing (phone comes preloaded with apps) I didn't own my own phone. So I got a phone I could flash Lineage OS to and my experience with it has been nothing but pleasant, some bugs here and there but nothing I couldn't figure out on my own.
It's relevant that I note I've only begun using Linux in 2019 (Lineage, Installed Mint late 2020 on the first PC I've had in almost a decade and now I'm on Parrot) and very much so want to become proficient in sudo but I'm not there.
The issue I am having is, even after installing mtp-tools I cannot find the PPP under "devices" and I also cannot find it using lsusb or lsblk it should show up as adb or mmc from what I can tell.... I can find my other phone though. I have installed Tow-Boot. And the OS it comes with is too unstable to use for any length of time and it cannot connect to WiFi. I cannot use Jumpdrive to flash a new updated OS to the device, when I put it on the SD and hold the RE button when I attempt to start it it does nothing (from my understanding TowBoot should make it so I can boot it holding vol+/- and that does not work here so don't yell at me about not holding RE it it'll just boot the shipped OS) the SD card works to boot Manjaro though do I know the SD isn't the issue.
I've tried downloading a new OS after booting from SD and installing it with the Disk app and it runs into issues there as well. Even if that would work I'll be stuck with a device that won't register via USB and that's just not going to work for me.
Any suggestions?