(02-02-2022, 08:51 PM)kaida Wrote: remove the sd card ? if it still boot and is the same system , you'll have the answer , if it doesn't , you'll have the answer
I have same systems/desktops on sd and emmc. If I remove sd perhaps it boots from emmc. If I put back in the sd again, I still don't know which is is running on.
(02-03-2022, 02:33 AM)ojimek Wrote: If you have the same OS on both and can't tell the difference just looking at that, or want a faster way to tell:
You can use the command `lsblk` to tell which device contains the partition mounted as root. It will be mmcblk1 or mmcblk2. The one you're looking for is the one having one partition with "/" in the column "mountpoint".
Then, you can use `sudo fdisk -l` to list more information about those devices. It will tell you the size of each device, which should help you tell the SD card and the eMMC apart (hopefully, they don't have the same capacity).
Alternatively, you can just use `df -h` to see both the root partition and its capacity, which should be enough to tell. But this is somewhat less reliable as virtual fs tend to mess up with the display of `df `, and it only tells the capacity of the partition, not the whole disk.
I do have same OS/desktop on both. Thanks, I was able to determine I was running on sd card.