(06-11-2021, 09:42 AM)lordnahte2 Wrote: What probably happened was at some point the Arch Linux ARM distro was selected as the boot default, likely by accidentally holding the power button over it instead of just pushing it. <snip>
Thanks so much for your help, lordnahte2! Yes--no doubt that is what happened. It's easy to accidentally press buttons when fumbling for a grip on the phone.
(06-11-2021, 09:42 AM)lordnahte2 Wrote: There's more boot configuration options and I would assume it's possible to unhighlight the default without selecting a new one, but I can't seem to find that info in the documentation.
I tried a bunch of things and the only method that I've discovered to unhighlight a selection (other than unhighlighting by highlighting a different selection) is to remove all power from the phone, including the battery. I tested the method a second time after reading your reply to my post and it worked to unhighlight again.
(06-11-2021, 09:42 AM)lordnahte2 Wrote: This bootloader and multi-distro images have made the PinePhone much more rewarding to mess around with!
For sure! I like having JumpDrive available, because it's actually more reliable and quicker for me to reboot and use JumpDrive for fire transfer than it is to use sftp or samba, which are very persnickity to achieve a connection sometimes. I have not had time to try to get mtp working on Mobian again, but it did work quickly and reliably before it was de-featured.
I also like having the ability to select a proven distro for phone use that I never update. My phone only works when I travel away from home and a broken phone is only one dist-update / dist-upgrade away! Yeah--multi-boot is a PinePhone must-have, I think!