04-22-2021, 07:21 AM
Stupid to move production from such efficient and hard working individuals.
But: what if there were small repackaging units in strategic locations?
Lets say some of these locations already exist in the form of Maker Spaces everywhere.
This could feed the maker movement by paying rent for sometimes expensive industrial locations.
DHL charges $45 for hazzling me through Pine64 logistics with a door address request. Pine64 could use
his money instead.
Suppose batteries could be shipped in bulk to strategical depots where they
either could be picked up by handy buyers that receive f ex a Pine64 note pro,
or even installed by volontary Pine64 certified repacking crews. Products would be
restamped with final assemby and quality control location of this Makerspace.
Also: What if same locations could be used as ordering and pickup points?
Thanks for my 20 agoras input. (Israel)
Daniel +972.
But: what if there were small repackaging units in strategic locations?
Lets say some of these locations already exist in the form of Maker Spaces everywhere.
This could feed the maker movement by paying rent for sometimes expensive industrial locations.
DHL charges $45 for hazzling me through Pine64 logistics with a door address request. Pine64 could use
his money instead.
Suppose batteries could be shipped in bulk to strategical depots where they
either could be picked up by handy buyers that receive f ex a Pine64 note pro,
or even installed by volontary Pine64 certified repacking crews. Products would be
restamped with final assemby and quality control location of this Makerspace.
Also: What if same locations could be used as ordering and pickup points?
Thanks for my 20 agoras input. (Israel)
Daniel +972.