Awsome MrWizerd. You were right, that fan was clearly built for the dimensions of a Lego case
I am considering on altering my case drastically:
- place the fan to a side position, so it blows air both above and underneath the board
- cut some heat dissipators and place on processor and ram
- make the case higher, so it is easy to use the expansion pins, consider a way of having an opening above them
- have a breadboard attached on top

I am considering on altering my case drastically:
- place the fan to a side position, so it blows air both above and underneath the board
- cut some heat dissipators and place on processor and ram
- make the case higher, so it is easy to use the expansion pins, consider a way of having an opening above them
- have a breadboard attached on top
Pine 64 2GB - Remix OS - HP wireless keyboard = Working - PS3 controller with USB = Working