05-03-2016, 12:10 PM
The best thing you could do at this point is acquire a USB to TTL cable. You would then hook this to the appropriate pins on the board while booting and monitor the process from another computer. This would give you an idea what the issue is.
The most common issues are power, bad SD image, and incompatible displays. That said there have clearly been some dead units.
A quick and dirty function test is to install a linux image on the SD use a minimal one like http://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=376 boot the board and then after 20 minutes hook up ethernet cable. If you get blinking lights, the board isnt likley dead, probably one of the aforementioned display issues. I note you stats the Acer is a 1080p screen does it exactly support 1080p@60hz?
The most common issues are power, bad SD image, and incompatible displays. That said there have clearly been some dead units.
A quick and dirty function test is to install a linux image on the SD use a minimal one like http://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=376 boot the board and then after 20 minutes hook up ethernet cable. If you get blinking lights, the board isnt likley dead, probably one of the aforementioned display issues. I note you stats the Acer is a 1080p screen does it exactly support 1080p@60hz?