10-21-2020, 03:24 AM
(10-21-2020, 02:16 AM)firefox-58 Wrote: Receiving calls is working?For me, on my service provider calls are working, both making and even receiving from sleep, I can make and receive sms, I even got an mms today (no attachments, but at least the text part - maybe something to do with the way my provider implements them). Battery usage seems good. I don't really like the way it won't go back to sleep if there's an "unread" notification, obviously some people think texts are more vital than I do, but I can live with it. Latest pacman -Syu seems to have brought in a new mesa version, but gnome-software doesn't seem to work at the moment (it usually does). A lot of the issues for calling and sms that people experience are due to the varied and not really standard way that mobile vendors configure their networks, and if you use a mvno that can change at the drop of a hat, mine jumped network provider a couple of weeks ago and now I have no service in a few places I go, not Pine's fault or Manjaro's - just not enough towers.