09-13-2020, 06:22 AM
(12-31-2019, 03:01 PM)ddimension Wrote: Hi!
It took me a bit to find why playstore does not work on the android 9 image out of the box. Here's a way to install:
download arm64 pico gapps, extract and convert with attached script:
# cd open_gapps...
# ../gapps2tar.sh
Now install gapps
# adb push gapps.tar /sdcard/
# adb root
# adb remount
# adb shell :
Code:tar -xvf /sdcard/gapps.tar -C /
rm /sdcard/gapps.tar
rm -rf /system/priv-app/PackageInstaller /data/system/package_cache/1/PackageInstaller-16 /data/dalvik-cache /cache/dalvik-cache
After RebootHave fun.
- add all perms to google packages in system app config.
- disable androidsetup if crashing.
Why I can't use amr64 TVstock?
Please help me install google play for TV