(07-30-2020, 10:05 PM)the_count Wrote: E-Ink displays seem a bit too slow for my liking, but I think Sharp's Memory LCDs would work well!LCD displays (memory variant or not) do not have the same rendering than e-ink displays.
e-ink displays rendering is really like paper.
Don't expect good performance with a I2C link.
(08-03-2020, 04:27 AM)grego Wrote: Are there any e-ink screens with public specifications and some open source support that would be suitable for a project like this?The main e-ink material manufacturer is https://www.eink.com. There are display module on their web site but they do not sell to individuals.
At work, I already used one display from https://www.pervasivedisplays.com They provided me with the datasheet, schematics and C source code. I don't know if they sell to individuals.
https://www.adafruit.com web site sells e-ink displays.