(06-11-2020, 04:14 PM)Arwen Wrote: You might look to copying "rock" user's Chromium directory, (and changing the new copy to use the new user's ownership and group).Copying the Chromium directory does not seem to make a difference.
Others solved the problem by changing "rock" user's name to their own preferred name. Instructions in the Wiki.
Other than that, I don't know.
I will have a go at renaming rock, although I did mess this up last time I tried it! I had the same problem as described here:
I must be doing something wrong so I will re-read the Wiki and have another go.
Thank you for your help.
(06-11-2020, 11:35 PM)xmixahlx Wrote: IIRC the mrfixit update script drops widevine into the user home dir... it could be hardcoded to rock?I don't think so, but I might not be understanding the script correctly. This is what the script contains...
# Script must be run as root
if (( $EUID != 0 )); then
echo "Please run as root. Exiting..."
sleep 3
printMsg() {
echo $1
sleep 0.5
printMsg "Making sure dependencies are in place..."
apt install -qq wget &> /dev/null
printMsg "To get the latest widevine library we must download the entire 2gb ChromeOS recovery image (will later be deleted). Please be patient, this may take a while..."
CHROMEOS_URL="$(wget -qO- https://dl.google.com/dl/edgedl/chromeos/recovery/recovery.conf | grep -A11 CB5-312T | sed -n 's/^url=//p')"
CHROMEOS_IMG="$(basename "$CHROMEOS_URL" .zip)"
wget -O - "$CHROMEOS_URL" | zcat > "$CHROMEOS_IMG"
printMsg "Mounting the image to pull the files from it..."
mkdir -p chromeos_tmp
LOOPDEV="$(losetup -f)"
losetup -Pf "$CHROMEOS_IMG"
mount -o ro "${LOOPDEV}p3" chromeos_tmp
printMsg "Updating widevine..."
cp chromeos_tmp/opt/google/chrome/libwidevinecdm.so /usr/lib/chromium-browser
cp chromeos_tmp/opt/google/chrome/pepper /usr/lib/chromium-browser -r
printMsg "Cleaning up..."
umount chromeos_tmp
losetup -d "$LOOPDEV"
rm -fr chromeos_tmp
printMsg "WIDevine Updater Completed"
sleep 5