(05-26-2020, 06:52 AM)davidbe Wrote: Straight line, multi-finger gestures has its limits (it really takes me a lot of focus for a 4 finger gesture :-) ). I was thinking about using gestures like that library for command-input, but not for text-input.
I agree on the four-finger gesture. I don't have any trouble with the three-finger gesture, but four is difficult for some reason.
If you could use that library for command input, it would open up a lot of new possibilities.
(05-26-2020, 12:06 PM)saba Wrote: My keyboard isn't working right in landscape mode. It is displaying in landscape, but it seems like the key presses are in the position where they would be for portrait mode. I learned this when trying to use Sacc to read a phlog post. I needed landscape because in portrait it cut off the end of the lines. The keyboard is the only way I could find to scroll in Sacc, the dmenu scroll wouldn't work for it. Does anybody else have this problem? I ask, because I made some modifications in my config for st ans svkbd and hoping somebody without any modification can check it.
For anybody interested, calcurse could be a good calendar app for this setup.
Can anybody figure out how to increase the font size in xcalc? I can change the colors in .Xresources, but no luck with fonts.
It seems that the touch input for everything is messed up in landscape. I made the mistake of putting it into landscape to watch a youtube video, and then I couldn't get out. I've just joined source hut to put in a ticket (but I bet he already knows).