Quote:So I did away with the one-finger-up and one-finger-down gestures. Here's what seemed to make sense to me:
one finger swipe left -- change desktop (as original)
one finger swipe right -- menu
two finger swipe down -- close app
three finger swipe up -- keyboard
three finger swipe down -- close keyboard
I didn't need any of dwm's app-switching features, because I like apps to take up the full screen, so I'm essentially using the desktops like webOS cards, one app per desktop. I just flip through them with left-to-right gestures.
Since I have access to the menu at any time via the right-to-left gesture, I changed the key bindings (much reduced) to reflect my likely needs.
Here's that section:
/* PP */
{1, 0, XF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume, spawn, SHCMD("sxmo_vol.sh up") },
{1, 0, XF86XK_AudioLowerVolume, spawn, SHCMD("sxmo_vol.sh down") },
{1, 0, XF86XK_PowerOff, spawn, SHCMD("sxmo_screenlock") },
I didn't touch anything else, so the power key triggers the screenlock. Hold the volume up key to turn off the screen. Click the power key a few times to unlock. I'll probably simplify that more later, if I can.
With this setup, can you still use the volume keys to scroll in dmenu?
Also, is there some way to scroll in st? My first preference would be to use a gesture, but I'd be ok with volume up/down for that.
edit: here's a screenshot of Alpine running on PostmarketOS (Alpine Linux) running on Pinephone! Having some fun with this.