05-13-2020, 12:16 PM
if we follow the instructions for the tinkerboard, we need the services for android 9,
GSF for 9-5252573
Google Play Store 14.2.58
Google Play Services 15.1.81 - arm64-v8a + armeabi-v7a (nodpi)
these are the ones I am using. the play store and play services were released at the end of march 2019 and the GSF was released for Android 9 on april 2, 2019
some critical notes
Instruction set is: arm64-v8a
SDK: 28
resolution is: 1024x552 pixels
Density is: 160 dpi
Refresh Rate: 58 hz
GSF for 9-5252573
Google Play Store 14.2.58
Google Play Services 15.1.81 - arm64-v8a + armeabi-v7a (nodpi)
these are the ones I am using. the play store and play services were released at the end of march 2019 and the GSF was released for Android 9 on april 2, 2019
some critical notes
Instruction set is: arm64-v8a
SDK: 28
resolution is: 1024x552 pixels
Density is: 160 dpi
Refresh Rate: 58 hz