03-18-2020, 01:40 PM
(03-10-2020, 10:10 AM)janw Wrote: I've not received any response. I'll guess that I just give it up. No pinephone for meSome follow up:
On 10 March, I've created a support ticket at https://support.pine64.org/.
On 11 March, I've received an email of support:
Hello Jan Wagemakers,
Shall we get Pine64 Sales Team to assist on your case.
Please to inform you that now we close this ticket as the issue is follow up by Sales Team.
If you have any issue, you are welcome to create new ticket.
Hello Pine64 Sales Team,
Please assist on Jan Wagemakers.
Your understanding and patience is greatly appreciated.
support team#2...
Since then, I haven't heard anything.
Some thoughts: Asendia Hong Kong has received my pinephone at 22 Jan, so that was
echo $(((`date +%s -d now`-`date +%s -d 20200122`)/(60*60*24)))
echo $(((`date +%s -d now`-`date +%s -d 20200205`)/(60*60*24)))
This is all taking a very long time... So, for me this asendia shipping is a very bad experience. I don't know what the plans are for shipping the final pinephones, but maybe it's a good idea to give people an alternative option for shipping?