02-28-2020, 10:15 PM
(02-24-2020, 06:36 AM)wibble Wrote: Are you sure it's the same error? You say you're using the bcm2835spi driver, but the debug output above is for the bitbanging bcm2835gpio driver.
Yes, different driver, same error. Particularly this section:
Debug: 236 21 bitbang.c:587 bitbang_swd_run_queue(): SWD queue return value: 07
Debug: 237 21 command.c:629 run_command(): Command 'dap init' failed with error code 7
User : 238 21 command.c:694 command_run_line():
Debug: 239 21 command.c:629 run_command(): Command 'init' failed with error code -4
User : 240 22 command.c:694 command_run_line():