Serial cable voltage should actually be 3.0V, with mod!
(01-24-2020, 01:13 AM)danielt Wrote: It is possible that those 100R resistors give enough margin for a 0.3v difference in I/O voltage but, given the probelms people are observing with the 5v cable currently sold for PBP, they are not enough for the 2v difference if you use the official Pinebook UART cable.

Either way, this is a a great write up (albeit for a mod I was very disappointed to find we needed ;-) ). Was there enough space to put it back in the case?

I agree that the 100R resistors probably make it safe to use with 3.3V in practice, but it's still not ideal.

Yes, it fit back in the case just fine.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Serial cable voltage should actually be 3.0V, with mod! - by jhiesey - 01-24-2020, 01:03 PM

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